A New Way of Conducting Research

Streamline research by integrating a connected health platform with an electronic data capture platform.

Electronic Data Capture Platform

Electronic data capture platforms, like Zamplo Research, store data from clinical trial participants. These systems allow researchers to ensure that data is secure and compliant with study standards. Additionally, these platforms are cost-effective, allow for remote PROMs monitoring, and have quicker data access and results.

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Connected Health Platform

A connected health platform, such as the Zamplo App, provides a central location where individuals can track, manage, and store all their health data while empowering individuals to stay connected to their health and health community. It’s a digital platform that users can access through the web using a desktop or mobile app on their phone or tablet. 

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How the Two Integrate

Connected health platforms, like the Zamplo App, can be integrated with electronic data capture platforms, like Zamplo Research, and used in clinical studies for remote patient monitoring. Study participants can track their health on the connected health platform, and researchers can use an electronic data capture platform to monitor the participant as part of a clinical trial. The use of remote tools can help clinical research studies collect real-world evidence, reduce costs, and increase reach on a global scale.

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Revolutionize Clinical Research

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